Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fleece therapy in poetry

Grounded and Elevated

or The Healing Power of Fleece

On a low dank day
I urge grudging feet out to the sheep,
my gait stuttering and reluctant.

Eager muzzles seek my waiting cupped palm
for apples or grain.

Grain gone,
my hands delve deep
into their thick, shy fleece.

I come away with the must
of wool and lanolin,
walk easily back toward
my cabin,
my small family,

a little lighter.


Posted for One Shot Wednesday. Curious? Click & see. Go on now.


Brian Miller said...

really nice capture of that morning...sometimes the hardest things for us to get up for and to do...are the things we need the most...

Anonymous said...

i like "grounded and elevated" and the unique way you express your concepts about life using the simplicity and warmth of 'fleece'...i sense the grasp you have on life and how wonderful the simple things are...beautifully written poem...

dustus said...

An idyllic rendering with nice rhythmic flow and well placed rhyme connecting the middle stanzas.

Anonymous said...

Really sets a bucolic atmosphere....the simple joys...very enjoyable. Vb

Timoteo said...

I'm smiling.

Unknown said...

lol love it and my 2nd name is shepherd ...thank you

John (@bookdreamer) said...

capture of a moment that makes for a rich life

the redhead said...

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate all your comments on my brief, woolly adventure. Thanks for stopping by.